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Verity: The Chosen Mod APK 0.8 [Hilangkan iklan,Mod speed]
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* Semua apk mod diunggah oleh pengguna. Jika ada pelanggaran, silakan kirim
hubungi kami untuk menghapusnya.
Fitur Mod:
Game Speed Modifier / Ads Removed
Verity: The Chosen Mod APK Info
Deskripsi Verity: The Chosen
Verity: The Chosen is a 3D roguelike ARPG that blends gorgeous graphics, innovative gameplay, intense boss battles, and more.
You are born in an ancient land teeming with primordial deities, frightening monsters, strange spirits, and wondrous beasts.
You'll arm yourself before setting off on a fantastic journey into the unknown, where shadows lurk at every turn.
In time, by training your body, honing your skills, and forging bonds with the elements, you will emerge as a hero ready to do battle for the cause of right.
But now, the time has come for you to make the initial move.
Listen up, newcomer, as the legend goes: "far away out there in the Primordial Sea, in the depths of the treasure cave, where the shadows hide within and the dragons swim outside..."
[Game Features]
-Smooth combat
Cool moves with a fluid feel — take you through smooth boss battles like nothing you've ever felt before.
-Create your own style
Use heroes with varying fighting styles, weapons with differing effects, dozens of hero talents that reshape skills, and hundreds of different five-element blessings to form your own distinctive build and create your own school of fighting techniques.
-Randomized gameplay
Due to the game's complete randomness, every challenge you encounter will be unique from the last. As you make your way up the tower, it is recommended that you plan ahead and choose the forward route with your strongest build to test your skills against a wide variety of enemies and bosses.
-Fun-filled Adventure
With countless random stages, secret rooms brimming with surprises, and a wide array of test-your-skills Challenge Events.... you'll never feel the same twice!
You can find us on the following platforms. We welcome all of your thoughts and suggestions.
Discord: https://discord.gg/jExSM2x9J6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VerityThe-chosen-108601862065185/
Verity: The Chosen Mod FAQ
Bagaimana dengan Verity: The Chosen Mod ?
Verity: The Chosen adalah Action Game Dikembangkan oleh Playbest Limited. Mod ini diunggah oleh Pengguna Aplikasi HappyMod. Fitur Mod tentang Mod Ini adalah: Game Speed Modifier / Ads Removed.
Bagaimana cara mengunduh Verity: The Chosen Mod?
Anda perlu mengklik tombol unduh ke Halaman Pengunduhan, maka Anda akan mengunduh Verity: The Chosen secara langsung. Jika Anda telah mengunduh Aplikasi HappyMod, tidak apa-apa. Anda perlu menginstal Aplikasi HappyMod lalu klik tombol unduh di halaman unduhan. Aplikasi yang ingin Anda unduh akan muncul di Aplikasi HappyMod.
Bagaimana dengan kecepatan unduh?
Kecepatan download di HappyModpro sangat cepat. Kecepatan Download di HappyMod App lebih cepat. Anda dapat mengunduh Aplikasi HappyMod terlebih dahulu di halaman beranda.
Ada Verity: The Chosen Mod safe?
Verity: The Chosen Mod 100% aman. Mod ini diunggah oleh pengguna. Ini telah diuji dan ditinjau oleh editor. Kemudian kita akan menggunakan semua jenis software anti virus untuk memindai file tersebut. Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang keamanan Verity: The Chosen Mod.
Mengapa tidak dapat menginstal Verity: The Chosen Mod?
Pertama, Anda harus menghapus versi aslinya Verity: The Chosen Aplikasi, tanda tangan akan bertentangan dengan versi mod. Maka Anda harus mengizinkan sumber daya yang tidak diketahui dapat diinstal pada perangkat Android Anda.