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Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod APK 1.13 [Hilangkan iklan]
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Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod APK Info
Deskripsi Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME
Police siren SGU Siren and Spec Signals Remotes Flashes - application simulator remote control sirens and flashers, installed in spec services machines.
This simulator was created as entertainment for fans of various sound sirens, especially for fans of a police siren.
In game SGU Siren and Spec Signals Remotes present 7 most popular remotes system of special signals - police siren, ambulance siren, and others siren horns and spec signals.
Also, for a more realistic effect, added the ability to turn on the flash camera of the phone. Flash camera works in several modes. Turn on the flash while the sound of the siren is on and there will be a strobe effect.
Emergency Vehicle Siren System with Horn and PA Microphone It is possible to use microphone device sgu siren. Press microphone button on the remote control and speak. Do not release the microphone button and after a few seconds, you will hear recorded words.
The game police siren and special vehicles uses large number special sounds: yelp, horn - quack, hi-lo, wail, wa.wa, manual siren horns and other popular siren sounds. Connect your device to home audio system or car audio system via aux or bluetooth and joke on friend or peoples.
Sounds voice commands of service are available - police.
In the application, there are special signals for quacks flashers, real 3D models are used with the console, animation buttons, a convenient and intuitive interface are made. For each radio there is an instruction the buttons. In manual siren, real quality sounds are used.
Police siren SGU Sirens game features - Special signals Flashing lights:
- real 3d models with remote control
- signals of special cars
- large set of sounds: yelp, horn, hi-lo, wail, wa.wa
- police siren car kit
- ambulance siren
- car siren
- fire trucks
- use camera flash for better effect
- microphone operation mode
Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod FAQ
Bagaimana dengan Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod ?
Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME adalah Simulation Game Dikembangkan oleh Odvgroup. Mod ini diunggah oleh Pengguna Aplikasi HappyMod. Fitur Mod tentang Mod Ini adalah: Ads Removed.
Bagaimana cara mengunduh Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod?
Anda perlu mengklik tombol unduh ke Halaman Pengunduhan, maka Anda akan mengunduh Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME secara langsung. Jika Anda telah mengunduh Aplikasi HappyMod, tidak apa-apa. Anda perlu menginstal Aplikasi HappyMod lalu klik tombol unduh di halaman unduhan. Aplikasi yang ingin Anda unduh akan muncul di Aplikasi HappyMod.
Bagaimana dengan kecepatan unduh?
Kecepatan download di HappyModpro sangat cepat. Kecepatan Download di HappyMod App lebih cepat. Anda dapat mengunduh Aplikasi HappyMod terlebih dahulu di halaman beranda.
Ada Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod safe?
Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod 100% aman. Mod ini diunggah oleh pengguna. Ini telah diuji dan ditinjau oleh editor. Kemudian kita akan menggunakan semua jenis software anti virus untuk memindai file tersebut. Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang keamanan Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod.
Mengapa tidak dapat menginstal Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Mod?
Pertama, Anda harus menghapus versi aslinya Emergency Siren Vehicle System PRANK GAME Aplikasi, tanda tangan akan bertentangan dengan versi mod. Maka Anda harus mengizinkan sumber daya yang tidak diketahui dapat diinstal pada perangkat Android Anda.