Unduh Tautan:
Survival Defender Mod APK 1.7.6 [Hilangkan iklan]
Cepat Unduh
* Semua apk mod diunggah oleh pengguna. Jika ada pelanggaran, silakan kirim
hubungi kami untuk menghapusnya.
Fitur Mod:
1. 1 HIT
Survival Defender Mod APK Info
Deskripsi Survival Defender
*SURVIVE - Survive day after day of waves of furious monsters trying to plunder your camp and steal your precious belongings.
*FANTASY - Enter the realm of fantasy world, where goblins are ambushing caravans, orcs are raiding villages and attacking travelers.
*CASTLE DEFENSE - Defend yourself behind the barricade against the monstrous creatures trying to get you!
*ACTION - Play a character in the third person mode, tap at the enemies to shoot them. Dynamic and quick gameplay.
*QUALITY - Quality matters to us. We always work hard to deliver high quality content.
- Survival action game
- Third Person Shooter
- 3D Fantasy realm
- Play as a Ranger
- Upgrage your weapons
- Master your spells
- Drink potions
- Upgrade your defences: barricade, traps, mines, explosive barrels
- Leaderboards
- 10 Different Zones to play
- 234 Different enemies to defeat
"It's time for us to talk my dear son. You have grown to enough mature age. Now, you are ready to leave your homeland and begin a journey of your life. I have kept this bow for a long time, especially for you. Take it, now it's yours. Now... go and don't look behind yourself. Allow the flow of life to take you into numerous journeys, those that are calm and peaceful to give you relief, but also those that are filled with dangers and challenges to teach you something new. Let your story be written by itself!"
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Survival Defender Mod FAQ
Bagaimana dengan Survival Defender Mod ?
Survival Defender adalah Action Game Dikembangkan oleh Solid Games Studio. Mod ini diunggah oleh Pengguna Aplikasi HappyMod. Fitur Mod tentang Mod Ini adalah: 1. 1 HIT
3. NO ADS.
Bagaimana cara mengunduh Survival Defender Mod?
Anda perlu mengklik tombol unduh ke Halaman Pengunduhan, maka Anda akan mengunduh Survival Defender secara langsung. Jika Anda telah mengunduh Aplikasi HappyMod, tidak apa-apa. Anda perlu menginstal Aplikasi HappyMod lalu klik tombol unduh di halaman unduhan. Aplikasi yang ingin Anda unduh akan muncul di Aplikasi HappyMod.
Bagaimana dengan kecepatan unduh?
Kecepatan download di HappyModpro sangat cepat. Kecepatan Download di HappyMod App lebih cepat. Anda dapat mengunduh Aplikasi HappyMod terlebih dahulu di halaman beranda.
Ada Survival Defender Mod safe?
Survival Defender Mod 100% aman. Mod ini diunggah oleh pengguna. Ini telah diuji dan ditinjau oleh editor. Kemudian kita akan menggunakan semua jenis software anti virus untuk memindai file tersebut. Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang keamanan Survival Defender Mod.
Mengapa tidak dapat menginstal Survival Defender Mod?
Pertama, Anda harus menghapus versi aslinya Survival Defender Aplikasi, tanda tangan akan bertentangan dengan versi mod. Maka Anda harus mengizinkan sumber daya yang tidak diketahui dapat diinstal pada perangkat Android Anda.